New vegas goodsprings home
New vegas goodsprings home

Like Victor says "Goodsprings' as fine a place to settle as any". In a way, The Wasteland is its own world, and Goodsprings exists outside of it, as its own little utopia. The characters in GS ( Pete, Doc Mitchell, Sunny and even Trudy ) are among the nicest people in the game, and I don't believe this is unintentional. Except the schoolhouse ( which Sunny keeps safe ), nothing about Goodsprings is creepy or dangerous in any way, on the contrary. comforting in Goodsprings, almost welcoming you to the town with open arms. The eerie New Vegas soundtrack feels oddly. Townsfolk all know each other and seemingly care about one another, rather than treating each other like complete strangers that live in the same place.

new vegas goodsprings home

It's a small, quiet town, with no pestering or disturbance from the outside really.

new vegas goodsprings home

Yes, we do start the game there, but that's not the sole reason why I enjoy it. No matter how far into the game I have come, I always make sure to visit the town every now and then and just observe the scenery. The Goodsprings homes appear only in Fallout: New Vegas.It is all subjective and it's just my opinion, but man, something about Goodsprings just draws me back to it every single playthrough. It is also fairly close to the fast travel point. All the storage within is safe, none of the items or beds are owned, and Easy Pete will rarely use it.

  • Easy Pete's house serves as good player housing.
  • With the exception of Easy Pete's house (opposite the saloon), everything within the houses is considered owned and must be stolen, unless the Run Goodsprings Run quest has been completed.
  • Trudy can be found here if she is not present in the saloon.
  • If the female Goodsprings settler from the gecko's ambush during the tutorial quest Back in the Saddle is saved, she will be living in Trudy and Sunny's house, making a total of three inhabitants.
  • Key - Under some pre-War money on the bottom shelf of a bookcase in the house south of Doc Mitchell's house.
  • 22LR rounds near the bottom left of a cabinet. Another one is located in the bedroom on the table in the home east of the Goodsprings gas station.
  • Two Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps - On the kitchen counter next to a toaster in the same home.
  • A Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual - In the home situated east of the schoolhouse, on the bookshelf in the living room underneath a large scorched book.
  • The layout of the houses are all fairly similar, consisting of a living room, kitchen, bedroom, and a hallway.

    New vegas goodsprings home